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Requirements for manufacturers of craft food products

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, together with EU4SaferFood, continues to inform food producers about the specifics of the requirements in food legislation for small and artisanal producers.

We have prepared a series of infographics that will tell you how best to start officially producing such food products, what are the preceding food law requirements, what are the benefits and risks, and much more.

We start with the topic of which facilities can apply a "simplified approach" to food legislation, what distinguishes artisan food products from ordinary food products, and recommendations on measures to confirm the uniqueness of the technology or recipe of such products.

Artisanal food products, or "craft" as they are commonly called, are in demand not only among Ukrainians but also among foreign visitors. More and more tourists are paying attention to the incredible palette of flavors and high quality of our unique food products.

For more information: EU4SaferFood is a European Union project that helps Ukraine improve its food safety, animal health and welfare control system, assisting the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. In particular, in the development and implementation of key reforms based on EU law in the areas of food safety, animal health and welfare, and phytosanitary; improvement of the Ukrainian system of state control in these areas to ensure consistency with EU standards.

Find more useful infographics here.

Ministry of Agrarian Policy

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