Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Business calls for adoption of a draft law that will accelerate the development of mobile networks

In the context of wartime and the need to modernize Ukraine's communications infrastructure, it is important to pass draft law No. 9549 as soon as possible. It will allow mobile operators to build new base stations and repair damaged ones twice as fast.

Currently, there is a need to speed up the process of land allocation and access for the construction of new network facilities, including base stations along roads and railways. Operators use small plots of 1-5 hectares. This draft law will help simplify and speed up the process of land allocation for communications infrastructure from 6 to 2-3 months.

The adoption of this draft law will solve important problems in the development of communications infrastructure. Experts predict that the coverage of the country's main roads will increase from 80% to 95% over the next 24 months after the document is adopted. The additional coverage of 1600 km of 4G roads will provide connectivity for more than 100,000 subscribers in remote regions and up to 1500 villages with a population of about 600,000 people.

The development of mobile networks will have a positive impact on the economy: according to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, operators plan to invest $6 billion in network deployment over the next 7 years. The development of mobile communications contributes to the revival of economic activity. According to a study by the International Telecommunication Society, a 1% increase in mobile technology penetration contributes to a 0.06% increase in GDP per capita. The World Bank estimates that a 10% increase in 4G connections leads to 1.3% economic growth.

Federation of Employers of Ukraine

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