Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine

Cookie policy

A cookie is a text file or files containing a small amount of information that is sent to a web browser and stored on a user's device. Such devices may include a computer, mobile phone or other device used by the user to visit the Site. 


Cookies can be eternal (called persistent cookies) and stored on the computer until the user deletes them, or temporary (called session cookies), which means that they are stored only until the browser is closed. In addition, cookies are divided into first-party cookies (set directly by the Website visited) and third-party cookies (set by other websites). 


Important: when a user visits the Site again, cookie data is updated; in most cases, the default web browser allows automatic saving of cookies on the user's device; disabling cookies may result in limited access to published materials and / or incomplete functioning of the Site's services, access to which becomes possible only after authorization on the Site.


The Company cares about its users and tries to make their stay on the Site as comfortable as possible, and for this purpose the Company needs to analyze the behavior, preferences and interests of the user with the help of cookies. Such analysis will help the Company to improve the experience of interaction with the Site, to determine the most convenient interface and navigation of the Service. 


According to the International Chamber of Commerce classification, the Company uses the following categories of cookies: 


  • Strictly necessary cookies - are necessary for the user to move around the web page and when using certain services, for example, to access secure pages (e.g. access to a paid publication), registration and authorization, search the Site. They also memorize previous actions of the user when going to a previous page in the same session. 

  • Performance cookies - aggregate information about how the Site is used. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data include the following metrics: time spent on the Site, most frequently visited pages, understanding which sections and services of the Site were of most interest to the user, how effective a particular advertising and/or marketing campaign was, etc. All information collected through the use of operational cookies is intended for statistical and analytical purposes. Some cookie data may be provided to third parties who are authorized by the web resource and exclusively for the above purposes. 

  • Functional cookies - used to store settings or configurations that are stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data may include the following metrics: user name, profile picture, comment information, site language, location, whether the user has previously been provided with any information or selected benefits, and other Site customization parameters. These cookies also allow users to watch videos, participate in interactives (polls, voting) and interact with social media. To make the experience more pleasant after visiting a resource, these cookies remember the information provided by the user, improving the effectiveness of the interaction with the Site. Some cookie data may be shared with third parties who are authorized by the web resource, and solely for the above purposes. 

  • Targeted cookies - used to provide content that may be of interest to the user. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data may include the following metrics: tracking recommended text, graphics, audio and video content to avoid redisplay, managing targeted advertising, evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, information about a user's visit to other resources on transitions, and other Site customization parameters. The Site may share this information with other parties, including media clients, advertisers, agencies and related business partners in order for them to provide quality targeted advertising. 

  • Cookies from third-party services and analytics services: for prompt delivery, better display and detailed analysis of content on the Site, the Company uses services that are proprietary to other third-party companies such as Facebook, Google and others. The companies cited as examples may use cookies on the user's device while using the Site. Please note that the Site cannot affect the cookies used by these services.