Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Ministry of Finance is inclined to reform the simplified taxation system based on the Polish model

The Ministry of Finance is inclined to reform the simplified taxation system based on the Polish model.

This was stated by Deputy Minister of Finance Svitlana Vorobey during the discussion of the National Revenue Strategy.

"We took the Polish system of taxation for small and medium-sized businesses as a basis. There is a differentiated system in Poland, with a lot of rates ranging from 2% to 20%. They change from time to time, depending on the economy. The highest rates are those for activities with the lowest cost part, such as the provision of services and activities, to put it more tolerantly, that are used to replace labor relations with civil law or relations with individual entrepreneurs."

Hetmantsev announced the introduction of the Polish model back in September 2023.

But then he assured that no drastic moves would be made regarding individual entrepreneurs until the war ended.

However, society did not agree with this. We wrote about this in the article What Business Thinks of the Idea to Introduce the Polish Taxation Model in Ukraine.

Now the Ministry of Finance says that the State Tax Service must first be reformed, and only then can we talk about changing taxes.

The Ministry of Finance has not yet announced specific rates for the simplified taxation system:

"We have an approximate list of rates, but it will not be introduced at once, it will be widely discussed with the business. It will be a public process."


People's Deputy Nina Yuzhanina

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