Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Payment of alimony does not depend on gender

Many people believe that only men refuse to pay child support. This is a vivid example of a stereotypical view of gender roles in society, because the practice of the state enforcement service shows that ignoring parental responsibilities has no gender.

For example, both men and women can be the debtor in an alimony enforcement proceeding. And justice professionals, regardless of gender, apply exactly the same methods of legal influence to the defaulter. And any discrimination in such matters is excluded.

In particular, the debtor must be prepared to have his or her data entered into the Unified Register of Debtors(, as well as to have property and bank accounts seized. Among other things, state enforcement officers issue motivated resolutions on restrictions on the right to drive vehicles, use weapons, hunt, and travel outside Ukraine.

At the same time, a fine is imposed for prolonged waiting for alimony:

  • for one year - 20% of the amount of unpaid alimony
  • for two years - 30%;
  • for three years - 50%.

The issue of repayment of child support arrears is constantly monitored by specialists of the Eastern Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice, as the youngest Ukrainians need additional guarantees to protect their financial interests, especially in wartime.

Ministry of Justice

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