Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Mobilization changes will create an unnecessary burden on the employer

The European Business Association joined a meeting with Halyna Tretiakova, Chair of the Committee on Social Policy and Veterans' Rights.

The discussion focused on the burden on the employer - the delivery of summonses by the employer, updating credentials and responsibility for such updates, etc.

In this context, the business suggested that the company should be given the function of solely informing employees about the need to go to the TCC and JV. That is, not to issue summonses, but only to provide access to the premises for representatives of the TCC and JV. In addition, it is necessary to clearly regulate the number of days an employee can spend on passing a medical examination and updating his or her credentials, and to do so not every three months - after each extension of martial law, but once every 5 years, if there are no significant changes in the person's data.

While the proposals of the General Staff, as far as we know from the discussions and the text of the proposed draft law No. 10378 (on improving certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service) include making the employer responsible for bringing the employee to the MCC and JFO either by covering transportation costs or by providing such transportation, making the employer responsible for serving the summons to employees, etc.

The European Business Association has already issued comments and suggestions on Draft Law #10378, which can be found here.

And given that, according to the information received, this draft law is to be voted on by the Verkhovna Rada tomorrow in the 1st reading, the community would like to once again draw attention to the fact that not all norms and provisions will have a favorable impact on Ukraine and its economy.

Therefore, business asks for a comprehensive, far-sighted and strategic approach to this issue. After all, people's issues are certainly extremely important for both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the economy. We sincerely hope that the business will be heard and the draft law will be finalized before it is adopted in such a way as to avoid distortions that will not have a positive impact on the country!

European Business Association

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