Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Be careful with letters "from the State Tax Service"

The regional tax authorities reported that unidentified persons who carry out fraudulent and illegal actions against business entities have once again intensified their activities.

Thus, according to information received from business entities in the region, emails containing attachments disguised as ordinary documents (archives), which are actually malware, are sent to businessmen's email accounts on behalf of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (or without specifying the name of the author of the letter, but with text containing words typical for use in the tax sphere). Unpacking the archives and opening the files leads to damage to the user's gadget, information theft, etc.

In particular, according to the established information, the last time such messages were sent from an e-mail (State Enterprise "Moldelectrica" of the Republic of Moldova, which ensures the energy security of the Republic of Moldova) and contained a malicious attachment attached as an attachment to the letter in the form of an archive "" (Trojan.PowerShell.Agent).

The body of the email contained text in Ukrainian with atypical words and errors of Russian origin. When the received files are run, processes that lead to computer damage automatically occur.

Dear taxpayers! We would like to emphasize that neither the State Tax Service of Ukraine nor regional tax authorities send such letters.

We ask you to be vigilant and cautious. We recommend that you carefully check the information. To communicate with the STS authorities, please use the verified communication channels indicated on the official web portal of the STS and the sub-sites of its territorial bodies.

Main Department of the State Tax Service in Kherson region

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