Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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New iPhone as an object of taxation: "Servant of the People" proposes to introduce a luxury tax

The Servant of the People party proposes to tax the purchase of a new iPhone and pay more taxes on a salary of UAH 20,000. Such ideas were expressed by Roksolana Pidlasa, MP from the Servant of the People faction and chairman of the parliamentary budget committee, during a telethon, reports.

"A new iPhone for 60-70 thousand UAH may be taxed," said Roksolana Pidlasa, answering the question of where to get money for mobilization. - "If you earn more than UAH 20 thousand*, you could pay a military fee of 3% instead of 1.5%. We need to think about taxes on luxury."

* We remind you that the main forecast macroeconomic indicators of economic and social development of Ukraine for 2024 include an average monthly salary of UAH 21,809.

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