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Moratorium ends: pharmacies should prepare for inspections

A specialized parliamentary committee has appealed to the government with a proposal to lift the moratorium on inspections of pharmacy chains due to numerous complaints about the quality of goods and services. This was announced by Mykhailo Radutskyi, MP from the Servant of the People faction, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Health Insurance.

"Our committee receives complaints about the sale of counterfeit medicines and poor quality of service in pharmacies. However, due to the moratorium on inspections of pharmacies during the war, we do not know for sure whether there are massive violations," explained the head of the committee.

He added that there is a tendency to increase the number of complaints from citizens about poor quality services in pharmacies, and the decline in the quality of pharmaceutical services is one of the problematic issues in the industry.

"The Committee suggested that the government study the issue of quality control of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies. We discussed the issue of lifting the moratorium on inspections of pharmacy chains. We heard from the officials that they support the resumption of scheduled and unscheduled inspections," said Radutsky.

At the same time, he emphasized that inspections should not be a pressure on business.

"Our goal is to prevent the sale of counterfeit medicines through pharmacy chains, the sale of medicines at inflated prices, and to ensure quality service by pharmacists. This is why we propose to return inspections. At the same time, private businesses that do not violate the requirements of the license conditions should not be subject to pressure from officials conducting inspections," Radutsky said.

He noted that the committee has appealed to the government with a proposal to consider lifting the moratorium on scheduled and unscheduled inspections of pharmacy chains. An appeal has also been sent to the Ministry of Health to update the protocols for inspecting pharmacies.

"We leave this issue under close parliamentary control," summarized the chairman of the committee.

Political party "Servant of the People"

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