Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Counteracting VAT schemes as one of the achievements of the Ministry of Finance last year

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine presented the main results and achievements of 2023.

Among other things, in the field of tax policy and the tax system.

In 2023, Ukraine took significant steps in the field of tax policy and financial monitoring.

National legislation was brought into line with international standards, including the adoption of a law implementing the international standard for the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts. These actions are aimed at increasing the tax transparency and reliability of Ukraine as an international partner.

Amendments to the Tax Code to return to the pre-war state of tax policy.

Measures to combat VAT fraud and illegal refunds have been improved.

Unlawful VAT refunds worth over UAH 7 billion were prevented.

In addition, the National Revenue Strategy was adopted, which should become a key element for strengthening the economy and financial system in Ukraine.


- Strengthening the fiscal capacity of Ukraine;

- to adapt tax and customs legislation to EU standards;

- creating incentives for post-war recovery and economic growth.

Ministry of Finance

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