Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The nuances of submitting an application for inclusion in the Register of Volunteers

The Public Relations Department of the Information Interaction Department of the Main Department of the State Tax Service in Dnipropetrovska oblast (service area - Amur-Nizhniodniprovskyi, Industrialskyi, Dniprovskyi and Samarskyi districts of Dnipro city) reminds that the Application for inclusion/amendment to the Register of volunteers of the anti-terrorist operation and/or implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repulsion and deterrence of armed aggression of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Application) may be submitted in paper or electronic form.

Anapplication in paper form may be submitted in person, by mail or through an authorized person (representative):

- by the benefactor in person - to any supervisory authority upon presentation of a passport;

- by a representative - to the supervisory authority at the place of residence of the individual benefactor, in the presence of a document certifying the identity of such a representative and the identity document of the principal or a photocopy (with a clear image), as well as a notarized power of attorney to perform the relevant actions (returned upon presentation) and its copy;

- by mail - to the supervisory authority at the place of residence of the individual benefactor, the signature of the individual benefactor on the application must be notarized.

Anapplication in electronic form can be submitted through the Electronic Cabinet (EC).

This service can be used by persons who are identified by a personal key issued by any qualified provider of electronic trust services.

To fill in and submit the application, after identification and logging into the private part of the QA, you should switch to the "For Citizens" mode of the QA, the "Application for Volunteers" sub-mode, or follow the "Advanced / Reporting / Create" route and select the form with the code f1308302.

After filling out the application, check it, save it, sign it and submit it.

You can submit the application electronically via the Electronic Cabinet at

The electronic application form (f1308302) for software developers is available here.

Main Department of the State Tax Service in Dnipropetrovska oblast

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