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The NBU announces the second stage of currency liberalization

The National Bank of Ukraine is working on the second stage of currency liberalization. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Andriy Pyshnyi, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine.

"We have the second stage of currency liberalization ahead, the easing of currency restrictions, which provides for certain easing of trade finance. This includes, among other things, the possibility of paying interest on the obligations of Ukrainian issuers," he said.

At the same time, the easing of restrictions does not currently provide for the repayment of the principal and body of the relevant obligations. Pyshnyi said that this will happen at the next stage of currency liberalization.

He added that the basic purpose of currency restrictions is that new money should come to Ukraine.

As a reminder, the National Bank of Ukraine may allow the repatriation of "new" dividends as part of the easing of currency restrictions.

Author: Yulia Boyko

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