Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
1971 3

Employee reservation: the government is looking for a balance between the need to protect the state and ensure the country's economic growth

Recently, the Ukrainian Business Council, which unites 119 business associations operating in various sectors of the national economy, held a meeting. One of the important issues raised during the meeting was the mobilization and fair booking of employees of a particular enterprise.

Olena Shulyak, MP, Chair of the Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, spoke about this.

"Today, there are a large number of specialties and business employees without whom a particular business activity can stop. That is why businesses are raising the issue of booking employees. Accordingly, when the draft law on mobilization comes back to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration, it will be important for MPs to assess how the procedures related to reservations are set out. The current procedure needs some improvement. I think that business representatives will be heard so that a balance can be found between the need to protect our state and ensure the country's economic growth," the MP said.

She reminded that our partners do not finance our security and defense sector. The money for this comes from Ukrainian business through the payment of taxes in our country.

The MP also emphasized that in the current environment, the entire Ukrainian society must be united: this applies to business, law enforcement, and government officials.

"The business that is currently working in the "white", paying all taxes, creating jobs and supporting the state's defense capability should not be harassed in any way. Today, there should be a single body in Ukraine that will deal with violations by businesses - the Bureau of Economic Security. Business has repeatedly emphasized the need to improve legislation on the BES, and there are several draft laws pending in the parliament. I think that this should be one of our priorities as MPs, we need to draft legislation so that this body is effective and other law enforcement agencies do not have the opportunity to conduct inspections or put pressure on business," the politician emphasized.


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