Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The cost of car insurance in Ukraine will increase to the European level

The Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has recommended adopting Draft Law No. 8300 on compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles in the second reading and in general.

The problems to be solved by the draft law are

  • imperfect procedures for calculating and making insurance payments to compensate for damage caused by road accidents;
  • low limit of liability of the insurer;
  • state regulation of pricing for this type of insurance;
  • insufficient efficiency of the management system of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine;
  • limited role of the state in controlling its activities.

The draft law, among other things, proposes

  • gradually increase the amount of insurance amounts (maximum insurance payments) to the amounts established in the European Union.
  • to introduce fast guarantee payments to injured persons for bankrupt insurers before the Law comes into force (now it is years, and it is proposed to be up to 90 days).
  • introduce direct settlement in all cases of road accidents in which damage is caused only to the vehicle, which will allow the injured person to apply for insurance payment to their insurer, even if the culprit is not insured;
  • expand the use of the "Europrotocol" - filing an insurance claim in a road accident without the involvement of the police.
Danylo Hetmantsev

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