Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Ministry of Finance has introduced new accounting accounts

By Order No. 10 dated January 10, 2024, the Ministry of Finance made further amendments to:

  • Instruction on the Application of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting for Assets, Capital, Liabilities and Business Transactions of Enterprises and Organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 291 dated November 30, 1999;
  • Procedure for applying standard forms of primary accounting of intellectual property rights objects as part of intangible assets.

The documents were brought in line with the Law of Ukraine dated 30.06.2021 No. 1591-IX "On Payment Services" in terms of accounting for business transactions for the provision of payment services by non-bank financial payment service providers, as well as with NP(S)BU.

Thus, the Chart of Accounts was supplemented with the following items:

► 308 "Cash in National Currency for Transactions Conducted with the Use of Cash Registers";

309 "Cash in foreign currency from transactions conducted using cash registers";

Enterprises that carry out cash transactions using cash registers use subaccounts 308 "Cash in national currency from transactions carried out using cash registers" and 309 "Cash in foreign currency from transactions carried out using cash registers".

686 "Settlements on transfer transactions";

Sub-account 686 "Settlements on Transfer Operations" is used to account for settlements on payment service transactions by financial payment service providers.

706 "Interest income from financial services";

707 "Commission income from financial payment services".

In sub-accounts 706 "Interest income from financial services" and 707 "Commission income from financial payment services", financial payment service providers for which the provision of such services is the main activity summarize information on interest and commission income, respectively.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance has adjusted the name and rules for the use of sub-account 376.

Thus, subaccount 376 will be called "Settlements on loans and credits".

Sub-account 376 will be used to record settlements on loans to credit union members in credit unions and loans granted to payment service users by financial service providers (other than banks).

Order No. 10 shall enter into force on the date of its official publication. As of the date of this publication, the document has not been officially published.

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