Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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MPs from the Servant of the People party propose to keep payments for most IDPs

The Committee on Human Rights, De-occupation and Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine supported the initiative to continue payments to IDPs. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Servant of the People faction Maksym Tkachenko.

The draft law on the preservation of payments to IDPs until the end of martial law was developed by members of the Temporary Special Commission for the Protection of IDPs - MPs from the Servant of the People party Pavlo Frolov, Maksym Tkachenko, Ruslan Horbenko, Serhiy Kozyr and others.

The document provides for the continuation of payments in the amount of UAH 3,000 for people with disabilities and children, and UAH 2,000 for other persons.

"Why is it important to extend these payments until the end of martial law? Because it is not only a help to the internally displaced persons, it is our gratitude to those who, despite all the difficulties and challenges, believe in Ukraine's victory. Our task is to make sure that every IDP feels not only a part of our society, but also an active participant in it. Integration takes time, and the payments are a help in starting a new life," said Maksym Tkachenko, a member of the TSC and co-chair of the NGO "IDPs of Ukraine" Maksym Tkachenko, a member of the TSC and co-chair of the NGO "IDPs of Ukraine".

Currently, the payments are made for a period of 6 months. According to the authors of the draft law, only 800 thousand out of 2.6 million IDPs will be automatically extended their payments from March 1.

The draft law provides for payments to be made until the end of martial law or until IDPs achieve an adequate level of integration in new communities.

It also clearly defines the conditions for refusal or termination of monthly payments. These conditions include the return of IDPs to their homes, the temporarily occupied territory or the combat zone, traveling abroad without valid reasons, and having housing of more than 25 square meters per family or 13.65 square meters per person.

Political party "Servant of the People"

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