Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Does the Rada support the provision on the seizure of Ukrainians' accounts by the decision of the TCC?

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has already begun working on draft law No. 10449 on military service, mobilization and registration, which was adopted in the first reading. Next week, the inter-factional working group will hold meetings to find a compromise version of the document and consider the controversial provisions.

This was stated by David Arakhamia, MP, head of the Servant of the People parliamentary faction, member of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence.

"The norms concerning the disabled and their caregivers will not be changed - we will simply leave everything in the wording of the current legislation. This is what people with disabilities and their families demand. As for the mobilization of postgraduate students, we are revising the rule to eliminate injustice. The authors of the draft law propose to provide reservations to those who study on a budget, but for some reason those who study on a contract basis are denied this. We should not discriminate against people based on the method of payment," the MP said.

According to him, the MPs do not agree with the provision on blocking personal accounts of citizens.

"We do not agree that the accounts of Ukrainians should be arrested by the decision of the TCC, whether inside the country or abroad. This rule will definitely not pass in the Rada, because there are no votes for it. I personally do not know a single person in the parliament who would support such a decision," the politician emphasized.

He added that the working group will hold meetings on Monday, and eventually a consensus version of the document will be developed, which can be voted on.

"The draft law on mobilization may be voted on as early as the next plenary session. It all depends on how the consultations will be held next week. If a compromise is found and the parliamentary parties agree, we will move quickly," the MP emphasized.

In his opinion, the adoption of the draft law on mobilization should not be subject to political games, as this is a security issue that is important for the whole of Ukraine.


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