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Electricity, gas and heat tariffs will not change until the end of the heating season

Utility tariffs for households will not change until the end of the heating season. In addition, the law that establishes a moratorium on price (tariff) increases in the natural gas market and in the field of heat supply continues to be in effect.

This was stated by the Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities during the telethon "United News".

"In the summer, in order to accumulate funds for the restoration of energy infrastructure, the electricity tariff changed. This measure helped to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to Ukrainians in winter," said Andriy Gerus.

According to Oleksiy Kucherenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities, electricity, gas, heating and water tariffs have different components, and their structure depends on the prices of different types of fuel.

"We need to analyze each tariff separately. The only thing that should be noted is that we must do everything possible to ensure that energy and utility companies can provide quality services within the existing tariffs," said Oleksiy Kucherenko.

The Chairman of the Committee also informed that the state has introduced incentives for utilities, in particular, for the installation of solar generation. Under favorable weather conditions, a solar power plant can partially or even fully provide the company with electricity. As a result, utilities will be able to reduce the amount of electricity purchased from the grid. The company can sell unused electricity and receive money.

"This is a significant saving of funds that can be used for other needs, such as modernization of the enterprise and implementation of energy efficiency measures," said Gerus.

Oleksiy Kucherenko, for his part, added that it is necessary to look for budgetary opportunities to compensate for the difference in tariffs of heat supply companies and to launch an energy saving program at utility companies.


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