Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The State Tax Service is closely monitoring the sale of cryptocurrencies

Every year, the turnover of virtual assets (hereinafter referred to as cryptocurrencies) in the world is only growing, and Ukraine, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), is in first place in terms of the activity of cryptocurrency use by the population.

Obviously, first of all, currency exchange offices are appearing in the capital, which, along with licensed currency exchange operations, carry out cryptocurrency purchase and sale transactions.

The Law of Ukraine dated 06.07.1995 No. 265/95-VR "On the Use of Cash Registers in the Field of Catering and Services" requires business entities that carry out cash transactions to conduct them for the full amount of the purchase through cash registers and/or cash registers registered with the State Tax Service and provide the buyer with the relevant payment document in the prescribed form.

Therefore, business entities that accept cash as payment for cryptocurrencies must comply with the procedure established by law and fiscalize such transactions using cash registers and/or cash registers.

All currency exchange offices in Kyiv that evade this obligation have been and will be under the scrutiny of the tax authorities.

Since the beginning of 2024, control measures in Kyiv have already revealed and documented numerous facts of cryptocurrency sales transactions with violations of the settlement procedure, for which violators will be subject to penalties and the NBU will be informed.

Main State Tax Service in Kyiv

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