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Scaling educational opportunities with Mriya: The government supported the launch of the application

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a resolution allowing the launch of the Mriya educational app. This will make the educational process for children, parents and teachers more modern and efficient.

The Mriya app is a digital solution that will help millions of Ukrainians learn and develop. The resolution stipulates that at the first stage, the app will make available

  • a student profile with aptitude development programs and a grading scale;
  • multimedia educational materials;
  • collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of data on the educational process;
  • Mriya-ID - a unique educational document that is equivalent to a student's ID.

In addition, Mriya will help automate the management of educational institutions. This will enhance security and contact with the state. The app also plans to use artificial intelligence. This will reduce the workload of teachers and provide unique educational opportunities for students and parents.

The Mriya app is being developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the support of the EGAP program implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation.

The project will be implemented at the expense of international technical assistance and the state budget.


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