Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Export of agricultural products with blocked TI: The government returned to the idea of introducing restrictions

The government is finalizing draft laws 10168-2 and 10169-2.

According to MP Nina Yuzhanina, the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Bank insist on linking VAT refunds to the return of foreign currency earnings as part of the fight against their non-return. This was stated by the chairman of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada.

At the same time, the draft laws already provide for the use of such tools as:

♦ SMKOR (with a blocked tax invoice, farmers want to deprive them of the possibility of exporting and shipping goods)

♦ limitation of VAT refunds (it is supposed not to be applied only if the customs clearance of goods is carried out on the basis of tax invoices registered under the unconditional registration mechanism).

However, launching such a complex mechanism as linking VAT refunds to the return of foreign currency earnings is technically difficult, Hetmantsev believes, and therefore this idea was abandoned at the committee level.

"But the Cabinet of Ministers insists on it. And for two months now, we have been waiting for the Cabinet of Ministers to submit the final version that will allow us to implement it. I do not believe that it exists, but we will wait," the MP writes.

Nina Yuzhanina, MP

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