Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Starting February 21, e-cabinet in the Unified Court System is mandatory for all legal entities

Please note that starting from February 21, 2024 , the availability of an electronic cabinet in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System will become mandatory for all private legal entities involved in civil and administrative cases.

This is provided for by the Law of Ukraine No. 3200-IX "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Offices in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its separate subsystem (module) that ensures the exchange of documents".

As previously reported, the obligation to register e-cabinets in the UJITS pursuant to Law of Ukraine No. 3200-IX arises in stages.

Starting from February 21, 2024, such an obligation will be introduced in civil and administrative proceedings for private legal entities.

The electronic cabinet allows for the exchange (sending and receiving) of documents (including procedural documents, written and electronic evidence, etc.) between the court and the parties to the court proceedings, as well as between the parties to the court proceedings. Electronic identification of a person is carried out using a qualified electronic signature or other means of electronic identification that allow for unambiguous identification.

The Law provides that if a person who is obliged to register an electronic cabinet but has not fulfilled his or her obligation goes to court, the documents of such a person will be left by the court without movement or returned, depending on the type of procedural document.

To register an electronic cabinet in the UJITS, please follow the link:

Judiciary of Ukraine

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