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The NBU has prepared amendments to the Rules for Storage, Protection, Use and Disclosure of Bank Secrecy

The NBU proposes for public discussion amendments to the Rules for Keeping, Protecting, Using and Disclosing Bank Secrecy approved by Resolution of the NBU Board No. 267 dated July 14, 2006.

The amendments are related to the need to bring the Rules for Keeping, Protecting, Using and Disclosing Bank Secrecy in line with Articles 62 and 622 of the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activities" and to improve the procedure for disclosing information constituting bank secrecy to the National Bank of Ukraine.

In particular, in this regard, it is planned to

  • to supplement the list of information constituting banking secrecy and disclosed by banks at the request of authorized state bodies;
  • clarify the type of information that constitutes banking secrecy and which the National Bank of Ukraine is entitled to provide to the Deposit Guarantee Fund
  • to clarify the types of inspections carried out by the National Bank of Ukraine, during which banks are required to provide documents and copies thereof containing information that constitutes banking secrecy.

These provisions are contained in the draft resolution of the NBU Board "On Approval of Amendments to the Rules for Keeping, Protecting, Using, and Disclosing Bank Secrecy" (hereinafter - the draft resolution).

The materials for discussion can be found at the following links:

Comments and suggestions to the draft resolution are accepted in accordance with the form for submitting comments and suggestions by March 3, 2024.


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