Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Without paperwork and through a digital platform: how to import humanitarian aid from April 1

On December 1 last year, the Automated Humanitarian Aid Registration System was launched. The key goal of this tool is to make the procedure for importing and accounting for humanitarian aid more convenient and transparent. In simple words: without paperwork, corruption and abuse.

At the same time, there is still a transition period until April 1, 2024. It stipulates that recipients of humanitarian aid (foundations, NGOs and other institutions) can choose one of two options for the delivery and accounting of humanitarian aid - paper or digital. Starting April 1, there will be only one available mechanism - exclusively digital.

Since the launch of the digital system , more than 5,500 recipients have joined the official Register of Humanitarian Aid Recipients. In total, the Register already includes more than 7 thousand recipients. This means that all these organizations can legally import humanitarian aid. Since the launch of the digital mechanism, the system has generated almost 8,000 declarations and about 11,500 cargo data.

To make sure that the new rules from April 1 do not come as a surprise, that recipients can easily bring in aid and Ukrainians can receive it, we remind you how to use the digital platform.

1. Go to .

2. If you are not listed in the Register of Humanitarian Aid Recipients, register using the QES and confirm your organization's information. It takes a few minutes. Learn more in the video .

3. Fill in the cargo data and declaration in the system. Instructions are available here.

4. Get a unique humanitarian aid code.

5. Form the Declaration in the system.

6. Name this code during customs clearance at the border.

7. Distribute the cargo.

8. If there are discrepancies between the declaration and the goods actually received, fill out an inventory in the system. For information on how to fill out an inventory, see the video .

9. Submit an automatic report on the intended use of humanitarian aid in the digital system. The data from the declaration or inventory will be pulled into the report automatically.

10. If mistakes were made in the submission of the inventory or report, the user may submit a clarifying report or inventory by the end of the month in which the inventory or report was submitted.

Detailed instructions for using the system can be found at the link . The link also provides answers to the most frequently asked questions during the implementation of the new rules.

Do you have any questions about registration and use of the Automated Humanitarian Aid Registration System? Please contact the contact center of the State Enterprise "IEC of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine" by phone (044)-494-19-10 or by e-mail

Ministry of Social Policy

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