Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Rada makes a statement about tax increases in Ukraine

Ukraine is not considering raising taxes to cover the lack of aid from the United States. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing a statement by Olga Vasylevska-Smaglyuk, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Financial, Tax and Customs Policy, during a telethon.

According to her, by the end of February, the Rada expects the Cabinet of Ministers to present a plan for alternative revenues to the state budget amid the lack of assistance from the United States.

"What can this be? It can be excess revenues from customs, from the tax authorities, it can also be a revision of excise duties, subsoil fees, which is also very important. But the president (Volodymyr Zelenskyy - ed.) is against raising taxes. Therefore, we must now reassure the population: we do not consider tax increases as the main scenario now, because the president said to look for alternative ways," the MP said.

She also clarified that the option of borrowing from the National Bank is being considered. Therefore, there are many alternatives, but the task of the authorities is to make sure that this does not directly affect the population.

What preceded it

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that Ukraine is preparing a plan for the International Monetary Fund in case the US does not provide assistance to our country.

The plan includes, among other things, expanding sales of domestic bonds, raising taxes and cutting spending.

This is necessary to get money from the IMF.

Author: Ivan Nosalsky

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