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Creating conditions for the future development of the European Digital Wallet: Government backs resolution

The government adopted a resolution to further develop the field of electronic identification, introduce new means of electronic identification with different levels of trust. It also creates preconditions for the further implementation of the European Digital Wallet.

The resolution defines the rules for creating a market for electronic identification service providers. Currently, there is only a market for trust service providers.

In addition, users of electronic services will be able to

  • receive electronic identification means with different levels of trust in accordance with EU regulations;
  • choose where to get an electronic identification tool;
  • use them during authorization in various state electronic systems to receive public services;
  • in the future, to use a digital wallet that will allow people to electronically store their identification data (eID), conveniently use and share it both within their country and abroad to receive various types of services.

As a reminder, Diia will participate in the development of the European Digital Wallet. After the product is launched, Ukrainians will be able to use Diia in the EU, and Europeans will be able to use their digital wallets in Ukraine. Earlier, the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation presented the Diia app at the inaugural meeting of the international digital identification consortium POTENTIAL.

Ministry of Digital Transformation

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