Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
2038 1

How do I work with Diia.Signature in the Electronic Cabinet?

Can taxpayers authorize and sign electronic documents using Diia.Signature in the Electronic Cabinet and how?

The procedure for the functioning of the information and communication system "Electronic cabinet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic cabinet") is determined by the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 637 dated July 14, 2017 "On Approval of the Procedure for the Functioning of the Electronic Cabinet".

Access to the private part of the Electronic cabinet (personal cabinet), which is an individual personalized web page of the user, is provided after the user passes electronic identification online using a qualified electronic signature obtained from any Qualified electronic trust services provider through the Integrated Electronic Identification System - (MobileID and BankID), using Diia Signature or a "cloud" qualified electronic signature.

In order to log in to the private part of the Electronic Cabinet using Diia.Signature, you must

  • select the "Diia.Signature" tab in the "Log in to your personal account" window;
  • click "Get code" and scan the generated QR code;
  • in the Diia mobile application, confirm your identity and sign the "Request for signing a document via Diia.Signature".

Also, you can log in to the private part of the Electronic cabinet using Diia.Signature using the "Cloud storage" tab in the "Login to your personal cabinet" window. Select Diia.Signature from the drop-down list in the Provider field, click Get Link and scan the generated QR code. After that, in the Diia mobile application, confirm your identity and sign the "Request for signing a document through Diia.Signature".

To sign an electronic document using Diia.Signature, you must

  • select the saved electronic document and click "Sign";
  • in the "Document signature" window, select the "Cloud storage" tab;
  • select "Diia.Signature" from the drop-down list in the "Provider" field;
  • click "Get link" and scan the generated QR code;
  • in the Diia mobile application, verify your identity and sign the "Request for signing a document through Diia.Signature".
The Eastern Interregional Department of the State Tax Service for Work with WFP

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