Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Hetmantsev on the introduction of military duty for individual entrepreneurs and more: The Cabinet of Ministers is preparing a bill

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is preparing a draft law that will provide additional budget revenues. In particular, they want to introduce a military tax for private entrepreneurs. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to a statement by the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Danylo Hetmantsev during a telethon.

He reminded that the Ministry of Finance is working to increase state budget revenues by UAH 44 billion. They want to do this by increasing the military tax, introducing a military tax for individual entrepreneurs, for certain types of real estate and jewelry transactions.

According to the MP, the agency has prepared a set of proposals to raise UAH 44 billion.

"The Cabinet of Ministers will propose this to us as a draft law. We expect this draft law in March," Hetmantsev added.

What happened before

On March 4, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine provided the media with a plan to mobilize additional state budget resources in 2024.

In order to receive additional budget revenues, the Ministry wants to introduce a military tax for individual entrepreneurs, single tax payers and others.

Earlier, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to provide additional funding for the country's defense needs by continuing to audit and verify expenditures.

Author: Ivan Nosalsky

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