Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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How the state plans to return refugees from abroad

In 2023, refugees from Ukraine added 0.7-1.1% to Poland's GDP, or $6-9 billion in absolute terms.

The results of a study of the impact of our citizens on the economy of the neighboring country were presented by Deloitte.

In the long run, this effect is expected to increase to 0.9-1.35% of GDP.

As of October 2023, there were 1 million Ukrainian refugees living in the country.

Most of them are women of working age (41%) and children (40%).

Families support themselves mostly on their own - 80% of their income comes from work.

Refugees from Ukraine remain in Poland as workers, entrepreneurs, consumers and, accordingly, taxpayers.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shmyhal said that no administrative measures would be used to encourage Ukrainians to return from abroad, only incentives.

"We are not talking about administrative measures, but only about incentives. More security, more living conditions, more opportunities for self-realization," he said.

And for this, he said, programs within the country are working.

"Such as eRestoration, eHousing, grants and affordable loans to start your own business."

Nina Yuzhanina, MP

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