Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Hetmantsev explains why the Tax Credit should be introduced for sole proprietors

Danylo Hetmantsev, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada's Finance Committee, understands that the military tax of 1.5% of the minimum wage for individual entrepreneurs of the first and second groups will not bring much money to the budget. However, he agrees with the position of the Ministry of Finance that everyone should pay this fee during the war. The MP said this in an interview withUkrinform.

"Yes. Individuals - entrepreneurs, single tax payers of the first and second groups, currently do not pay the military tax on the minimum wage. The Ministry of Finance believes that such a practice is unacceptable in times of war. This ministry is responsible for budgeting, and it has the primary right to initiate changes aimed at increasing the revenue side, and thus ensuring the ability to stably finance key public expenditures.

Conceptually, it is difficult to argue with the proposal of the Ministry of Finance that everyone should pay the military fee. However, we will carefully examine all its calculations to understand how much it will help to replenish the budget and how it will affect the work of small businesses.

But it is obvious that if we are talking about much larger amounts and the search for more substantial reserves, then, of course, such point solutions will not provide them. That is why the Ministry of Finance will have to offer us some more global approaches," the MP said.

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