Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Authorities are considering limiting card transfers, - Hetmantsev

The NBU is already actively discussing restrictions on transfers, including p2p card transfers between individuals. However, they will apply only to a small share of non-cash transactions. This was stated by Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy, in an interview with Ukrinform.

"Representatives of the National Bank are currently preparing a draft law with relevant proposals. But we need to understand what it is about.

The restrictions will not apply to 99% of non-cash transactions that are carried out by each of us every day. We are talking only about certain abnormal transactions used by drug dealers, illegal alcohol and tobacco, as well as representatives of the illegal gambling business to carry out illegal activities. These are large criminal "businesses" that try to involve many individuals in their schemes.

Let me emphasize once again: 99% of non-cash transactions of the population are typical. However, a transaction when a pensioner collects money from 100 people he doesn't know on his card is probably atypical. In the jargon of criminals, this is called a "dropper," when a pensioner gives his card as if "rented" and accumulates income from unknown people on it for a small percentage, and then transfers the money to the criminal. I gave this as an example, there are many different variants of schemes. The NBU proposes to counteract such operations. The cashless payment system cannot be used for criminal activities, this is obvious. Therefore, the position of the National Bank is absolutely clear to me.

The anomaly requires explanation. This in no way means that a person cannot use the services of banks. If he explains where the money came from and why, the account will be unblocked, and there will be no questions to the person," the MP assures.

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