Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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MP: Telegram channels may face tax audits

Telegram channels that conduct commercial activity may face tax inspections, Ekonomichna Pravda reports. This was announced by the head of the Committee on Freedom of Speech Yaroslav Yurchyshyn in a commentary for

According to him, there are currently no established mechanisms for anonymous telegram channels to register as a media entity and, as a result, transparently conduct their commercial activities. Yurchyshyn explains that he can only "motivate" channels to register.

So now the Tax Service is supposed to look for special mechanisms to check a number of Telegram channels that may be engaged in significant economic activity. For example, when they "distribute advertising and sell content."

But, as the MP said, such measures are not related to "de-anonymization" because it is a matter of "economic relations."

Also in an interview with Detector Media, Mr. Yurchyshyn said that his committee plans to send a special request to the State Tax Service regarding the social network itself and, in particular, the channels where MPs see "a lot of advertising ." That is, where the administrators of telegram channels conduct some kind of economic activity - and as a result of such an inspection, the MP expects "tears and drops."

"We are a country at war, we are asking for support all over the world, so it is logical to look for sources right under our noses,"Yurchyshyn concluded.

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