Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Businesses will be obliged to adapt retail premises to the needs of people with disabilities

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has published on its website the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Rules of Trade Services" (Draft Resolution).

The Draft Resolution was developed to bring the Procedure for Conducting Trading Activities and the Rules for Trade Services in the Consumer Goods Market in line with the Law of Ukraine No. 3153-IX "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 10.06.2023 (clause 1.5 of the plan for organizing the preparation of draft acts and performing other tasks necessary for its implementation).

It is worth noting that Law No. 3153 implements EU consumer protection legislation aimed at regulating issues related, in particular, to consumer trade services.

Thus, part five of Article 14 of Law No. 3153 stipulates that the commercial premises of business entities where they operate must be adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in accordance with the state building codes and regulations (SBC).

Taking into account the growing number of persons with disabilities and other groups with reduced mobility, the state pays attention to creating real conditions in society for the support and active participation of persons with disabilities in public life, in particular, to ensure an unhindered living environment for these categories of the population.

In the process of new construction, reconstruction, restoration or overhaul of commercial premises, business entities should take into account the legally defined need to comply with the requirements of the current State Building Standards, which provide for the mandatory accessibility of commercial premises for persons with disabilities and other MHM regardless of their purpose and form of ownership.

The establishment in the Rules of Trade Services of a rule on the adaptation of commercial premises to the needs of persons with disabilities and other MHM in accordance with the DBN is due to Law No. 3153, as well as the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the period up to 2025, approved by the CMU Order No. 285 dated 07.04.2021.

The draft resolution states that it shall enter into force simultaneously with the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine No. 3153-IX "On Consumer Protection" dated June 10, 2023, but not earlier than the day of its publication.

Please send your comments and suggestions to the draft resolution to the following addresses:

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

12/2 Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine


State Regulatory Service of Ukraine

9/11 Arsenalna St., Kyiv, 01011


Comments and suggestions are accepted within a month.

Additional materials:

Ministry of Economy

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