Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Hetmantsev supports the resumption of customs inspections

Starting from May 1, 2024, documentary checks by customs authorities will be resumed.

This decision was made on March 15 at a meeting of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada (draft law 9456, which has been amended, is yet to be adopted by the Parliament).

Recently, MP N. Yuzhanina wrote about this draft law and proposed to define clear criteria by which such customs inspections can be conducted during martial law.

Thus, for documentary unscheduled and scheduled inspections, such criteria will be established exclusively in the Customs Code, and the list of taxpayers to be included in the inspection schedule will be published on the website of the State Customs Service (which has never been the case before).

Most importantly, the moratorium on inspections of humanitarian aid will remain in place.

The moratorium on inspections will also remain in place for companies registered in the temporarily occupied territories, territories of active and possible hostilities.

By the way, the State Customs Service currently has only 129 employees who will conduct such inspections.

Nina Yuzhanina, MP

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