Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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How much scheme VAT is biased due to blocking of VAT invoices

In January-February of this year, a total of 0.75% of tax invoices out of the total number of tax invoices submitted for registration were blocked. The amount of biased VAT schemes is UAH 6.2 billion.

This was stated by Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy.

"Adherents of the church of the ineffectiveness of blocking tax invoices, "because 90% are unblocked anyway," will be interested to know that in January-February this year, 0.75% of tax invoices out of the total number of tax invoices submitted for registration were blocked," he wrote.

According to Mr. Hetmantsev, 34.5% of the blocked tax bills were unblocked, of which:

  • 78.2% were unblocked by the decision of the commissions,
  • 17.5% were automatically unblocked after the taxpayers were removed from the risk, and
  • 4.3% automatically after the registration of tables.

"The total amount of the biased VAT scheme is UAH 6.2 billion, or one and a half fully equipped brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the MP emphasized.

Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy

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