Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Government has improved the mechanisms for providing grant support for business development

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 281 "On Amendments to the Procedures Approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 738 dated June 21, 2022".

The Resolution, in particular, defines

  • the maximum grant amount and the percentage of project funding.

For horticulture, grants are provided in the amount of up to 70% of the cost of the planting project, but not more than UAH 10 million, based on the amount per hectare and subject to the recipient's financing of the difference between the cost of the planting project specified in the application and the amount of the grant. The recipient's co-financing share must be at least 30% of the cost of the planting project specified in the application.

In the greenhouse sector, grants are provided for the construction of one thousand modular greenhouses in the amount of up to 70% of the cost of the modular greenhouse construction project, but not more than UAH 7 million, and subject to the recipient's financing of the difference between the cost of the modular greenhouse construction project specified in the application and the amount of the grant. The share of co-financing by the recipient must be at least 30% of the cost of the modular greenhouse construction project specified in the application.

  • the manner in which the Ministry of Agrarian Policy notifies the authorized bank, the Ministry of Economy and the recipient of the decision to cancel the grant;
  • additional requirements for monitoring the status of planting or construction of a modular greenhouse by an authorized bank;
  • stipulates that payment of expenses related to the implementation of a planting project or the construction of a modular greenhouse shall be made within a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of crediting the grant to the account.

The Resolution also provides for changes in the monitoring of plantations. In particular, the authorized bank may monitor the status of planting using the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure during the implementation of the grant project and for 5 years after its completion.

Ministry of Agrarian Policy

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