Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Citizens can declare express shipments and pay customs duties from their smartphones

The State Customs Service of Ukraine introduces the possibility of self-declaration of express shipments by citizens in their Personal Account on the Single Window for International Trade web portal by submitting an electronic customs declaration M-16. This can be done directly from your smartphone in any convenient place!

By using the preliminary information provided by express operators, citizens have the opportunity to declare shipments worth up to EUR 10,000 and pay customs duties in a few clicks.

A number of service functions have been implemented to simplify the process:

The vast majority of declaration fields are filled in automatically;

automatic machine translation of product names and other information into Ukrainian;

the ability to select the UKTZED product code in many cases;

Taxes are calculated automatically;

auto-completion of details that are missing in the previous information is provided if the citizen has previously used this service.

After submitting the M-16 declaration, which must be signed using the QES or Diia.Signature, the following is done.

If the value of the goods exceeds 150 euros and they are subject to taxation, a QR code is generated. By clicking on this QR code or pointing a mobile phone camera at it, you can pay the accrued customs duties from your banking application in a matter of seconds.

You can also track the status of customs clearance and the receipt of paid funds at the customs office online through your Personal Account.

The State Customs Service has ensured that the customs clearance unit that processes express shipments, using the new Automated Customs Clearance System, has round-the-clock access to information on the receipt of paid taxes to the customs account at the State Treasury.

Of course, there are still alternative ways to clear customs, such as declaring by an express carrier or through a customs broker and submitting a paper declaration in person (or by another person by proxy) to the customs clearance unit.

However, the new online declaration service will be a real gift for citizens who value their time and seek convenience. See for yourself!

The State Customs Service is constantly working to transform the interaction of businesses and citizens with customs into an electronic format in accordance with the best European practices.

Visual materials of such declaration are available here.

State Customs Service of Ukraine

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