Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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When submitting claims to the Register of Losses, any available evidence that will facilitate the consideration of these claims should be attached

Starting April 2, Ukrainians will be able to apply for compensation for destroyed and damaged housing to the Register of Damages Caused by Russian Aggression. This is only the first category, and there are 41 categories of various types of damage. Therefore, our citizens need to collect as much evidence as possible to confirm the facts of damage.

This was stated by Denys Maslov, MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Policy.

"So far, there is only one category - for damaged or destroyed real estate. In addition to the application, you need to upload any available evidence, such as videos, photos, explanations from neighbors, certificates from local authorities, law enforcement agencies, media reports, etc. Local authorities worked with us, commissions were set up, and inspection reports were conducted. All this increases the possibility that the application will be accepted into the register as soon as possible. There is no exclusive list of evidence," the politician noted.

In his opinion, the government should develop a systematic approach to this issue to provide comprehensive support to applicants.

"I will also deal with this issue separately, so that our citizens receive maximum assistance from state and law enforcement agencies in collecting evidence, filling out and submitting applications, so that all of them are accepted in the relevant register, and then people receive compensation," the MP emphasized.

According to him, there will be a lot of appeals from Ukrainians, because the enemy has destroyed a large number of our homes.

"It is planned that other categories of damage will be gradually introduced. Such applications will be accepted exclusively in electronic form, this will be implemented through Diia. In case of mistakes, it will be possible to make additions and changes throughout the application process," the MP explained.

He added that the creation of the Register of Losses will be another argument for the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine.

"These assets should be transferred to Ukraine to pay people for destroyed housing, lost lives, health damage, etc. This will be an important argument for the frozen funds of the Russian Federation to be transferred to us in full," emphasized Denys Maslov.


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