Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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In Diia, it is now possible to add destroyed real estate to the international Register of Losses

Diia has launched a new service that allows you to submit an application to the International Register of Losses. For now, you can only file a claim for destroyed or damaged real estate, Ekonomichna Pravda reports.

This was reported by Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

"We are launching a new important service. The data from the International Register will be the basis for future reparations. The action is becoming an important part of the transfer and display of the scale of damage from Russian aggression," he said.

To use the service, you need to update the application. At the first stage, the application can only be used to file claims for destroyed or damaged real estate: a private house, apartment, country or garden house, or other residential premises. To submit an application, you must be the owner of the property and have an inspection report from the local authorities.

Next, it will be possible to submit applications to the register of forced displacement, harm to life, health, torture, and sexual violence. After that, businesses and the state will be able to file complaints.

According to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, on April 2, in The Hague (Netherlands), it was announced that the International Register of Damages was technically launched and that it began accepting applications from victims of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation .

Themain task of the International Register of Damages is to receive and process claims for damages and evidence, classify and systematize such claims, evaluate and determine the suitability of claims for inclusion in the Register and register acceptable claims for the purpose of their future consideration and adjudication.

Artur Kryzhnyi

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