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The government plans to return Ukrainians from abroad thanks to a new housing policy

Ukraine has extremely outdated housing legislation, so work is underway on a draft law to update housing policy, which was recently presented by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure. This was stated by Olena Shulyak, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, and Chair of the Servant of the People party, on Ukrainian Radio.

"Working with such an outdated legislative framework has led to the fact that we have tens of thousands of Ukrainians standing in various housing queues. They are not moving in any way. For many Ukrainians, gaining access to housing at all is an extremely difficult and complicated task," Olena Shulyak noted.

The MP emphasized that today a competent housing policy will be the basis for the return of Ukrainians who are now abroad.

"Ukrainians have three dreams. The first dream is to win the war as soon as possible. The second dream is to have a decent job with a decent salary. And, of course, to own a home. Resolving the housing issue is also part of this dream of every Ukrainian. If all these things are realized, a person can work and realize their own potential for the benefit of their community and their country," Olena Shulyak is convinced.

The head of the committee added that the adoption of pro-European modern approaches to housing policy should be a priority and announced public consultations on this issue.

"The Ministry of Reconstruction, together with our international partners, the World Bank and other international institutions, have worked on a legislative framework that will change the approaches to housing policy in general. And we, as a specialized Committee that deals with the formation of such a policy, cannot stand aside. Therefore, on April 9, we are launching a huge public consultation with our partners. They will be held in several stages," Olena Shulyak informed.

The head of the party noted that such a multi-stage consultation is necessary to understand how to legislate the availability of housing for Ukrainians. These may be different mechanisms.

"These can be different mechanisms, including mortgages. Ukraine has the eHouse program, which is actively used by Ukrainians. Perhaps our local governments will finally start forming a social housing fund, a municipal housing fund, which will be used for those people who need housing now. Of course, I would like us not to forget about our internally displaced persons. And the availability of such a municipal housing stock could also solve the problem, at least partially, for people who need such housing. Therefore, we will discuss it so that we do not forget anything and take into account all the nuances before registering this draft law," summarized Olena Shulyak.

Political party "Servant of the People"

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