Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Ukraine ranks 107th in the salary ranking

A rating of countries with the highest salaries has been compiled: Ukraine ranked 107th with an average salary of $430. The rating was compiled by CEOWORLD magazine.

In total, the salaries of 196 countries were evaluated.

The highest salaries in 2024 are in:
▪️ Switzerland ($8111);
▪️ Luxembourg ($6633);
▪️ USA ($6455);
▪️ Iceland ($6441);
▪️ Norway ($5665).

The lowest prices are in:
▪️ Lesotho ($24);
▪️ Angola ($27);
▪️ Malawi ($31);
▪️ Mali ($34);
▪️ North Korea ($37).

When comparing salaries in different countries, it is important to take into account inflation, which is high in many countries and reduces purchasing power.

Nina Yuzhanina, MP

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