Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Business expenses for tax audits

More than a third of entrepreneurs include the costs of inspections in their company budgets. More than half of them include these costs in the price of the product. This was reported by MP Nina Yuzhanina.

Ukrainian business treats tax audits as an additional administrative and financial burden, according to the Business Ombudsman Council (BOC).

Additional charges and fines have almost become synonymous with tax audits.

► 35.6% of BOC respondents claim that over the past seven years they have faced situations when a tax inspector, having not found violations during the audit, asked to point them out on their own in order to make additional charges.

On average, in 2017-2021, 74% of audits resulted in violation reports, and in 2022-2023 this figure increased to 85%.

However, additional charges are not the only problem that entrepreneurs face after an audit, the BOC warns.

Another consequence is the denial of VAT refunds, when the taxpayer's amounts can "hang" in the budget for years.

Nina Yuzhanina, MP

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