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Ukraine imposes restrictions on online casinos

Online casinos will be restricted in Ukraine. The National Security and Defense Council has adopted a number of decisions on gambling. It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Presidential Decree 234 published on the website of the NSDC.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy enacted the NSDC decision to counteract the negative consequences of online gambling.

The NSDC instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to:

  • to develop a procedure for limiting all forms of gambling advertising using the symbols of the Armed Forces and other military formations;
  • to prohibit registering multiple accounts for one player, as well as to set a limit on the time spent playing games per week;
  • to oblige the gambling organizer to set a limit for the player before the start of the game with the possibility of changing this limit no more than once a month;
  • introduce a state online monitoring system;
  • conduct a national awareness-raising campaign on the dangers of gambling and block illegal websites that provide access to gambling.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the heads of military formations should introduce a ban on access to online casinos for the military during martial law.

The SBU should conduct inspections of gambling organizers within two months. Within two months, the National Bank should approve recommendations to banks on blocking payments of citizens by credit to the accounts of gambling organizers for participation in gambling.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation, according to the President's decree, will hold negotiations with Apple and Google within a month to ban the placement of gambling applications without a license in their app stores.

The Ministry of Health was obliged to develop a clinical protocol for the treatment of gambling addiction within three months.

The problem of online casinos

It is worth noting that online casinos have recently become a resonant topic in Ukraine. In particular, scandals broke out online due to the lack of restrictions on casino operations.

The President's Office website has posted a petition to restrict online gambling. In particular, the author of the petition called for restricting access to casinos for the military.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the issue of online casinos in Ukraine would be discussed at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council. According to him, unrestricted casino activity would harm the interests of society.

Author: Natalia Yurchenko

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