TheOrder of the Ministry of Finance No. 161 dated April 2, 2024 approved a new version of the Regulation on the Form and Content of the Ownership Structure.

The updated document provides for the following changes.

Thus, the amendments, in particular, establish

  • the form and content of the ownership structure of a legal entity;
  • requirements/parameters for formalizing the ownership structure;
  • information to be provided in respect of each person listed in the ownership structure;
  • a method for determining the amount of participation in a legal entity in the relevant chain of ownership of shares (corporate rights);
  • a schematic representation of the ownership structure and requirements for its execution;
  • a list of documents to be attached to the ownership structure.

The ownership structure reflects:

  • all persons who directly or indirectly own the same legal entity, either independently or jointly with other persons (all participants of the legal entity and each person in each chain of control/ownership)
  • all persons who, regardless of formal ownership, have the ability to exercise significant or decisive influence over the management or activities of a legal entity;
  • the amount of participation (percentage of corporate rights) owned by each individual and/or legal entity, each trust and/or other similar legal entity in another legal entity, trust or other similar legal entity.

The Order will come into force 90 days after the date of termination or lifting of martial law in Ukraine. As of the date of this publication, the document has not been officially published.