Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Danylo Hetmantsev: Regulation of the gambling market will help to fill the state budget

The draft law No. 9256-d adopted in the first reading is aimed at combating gambling addiction (ludomania) during martial law, in particular among military personnel, as well as strengthening state regulation of the gambling business.

This was stated by Danylo Hetmantsev, MP, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy.

"Our society has faced the problem of gambling addiction, so this draft law is aimed at solving it. This is not the first step towards combating gambling addiction and regulating the gambling market, but one of the steps we have been taking since 2021. There are still significant regulatory shortcomings in this area, which we are eliminating with this draft law. For example, the lack of an online gambling monitoring system, which the Commission for State Regulation of Gambling failed to introduce. With this draft law, we will liquidate this Commission," the politician said.

According to him, the document contains a number of rules that should regulate the gambling market.

"These include restrictions on advertising, restrictions on the business reputation of management and gambling operators, disabling and blocking illegal gambling sites, increasing liability for gambling operators for violating the law. All of this will lead to a civilized gambling market in Ukraine and an increase in state budget revenues," the MP emphasized.

He reminded that back in 2021, the gambling market in Ukraine was completely taken offline

"Thanks to this, we have increased the payments to the state budget several times. If in 2022, the budget received UAH 740 million, in 2023 it was UAH 10.5 billion," the parliamentarian emphasized.


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