Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Employers have a new ground for dismissing an employee

The Parliament voted to amend the Labor Code of Ukraine to establish additional grounds for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer and some other issues (basic draft law No. 7731).

The new ground for termination of an employment contract at the employer's initiative is the entry into force of a court verdict sentencing an employee to imprisonment or other punishment that precludes continued employment, or that has led to a loss of the employer's confidence in the employee.

New grounds are also added:

  • Actions of an employee that may assist the aggressor state at facilities of strategic importance.
  • Failure to comply with internal labor regulations.

The amendments introduce reservations to the internal labor regulations regarding actions or omissions of an employee that may facilitate the aggressor state.

"Unfortunately, the EU's amendments to the second reading were rejected, which protected employees from employer arbitrariness under the pretext of "failure to comply with internal rules", which can be used to cover any action," writes MP Iryna Gerashchenko.

Iryna Gerashchenko, MP

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