Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Changes in the timing of documentary audits under the Tax Code

On March 16, 2024, the Law of Ukraine No. 3603-IX dated February 23, 2024 "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Laws of Ukraine on Improving Online Communication with Taxpayers and Clarifying Certain Provisions of the Law" came into force.

According to this law, starting from July 1, 2024, the maximum total period for conducting audits specified in clauses 200.10 and 200.11 of the Tax Code, in particular for taxpayers who declared a negative VAT value of more than UAH 100 thousand, was reduced from 60 to 40 calendar days.

Pursuant to clauses 200.10 and 200.11 of the TCU, the controlling authority has the right to conduct a documentary audit of the taxpayer within 40 calendar days following the deadline for filing a tax return, and if such tax return is submitted after the deadline - following the day of its actual submission, in accordance with subparagraph 78.1.8 of the TCU.

Main State Tax Service in Cherkasy region

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