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Fines for pedestrians. How much will you have to pay for crossing the road not on a zebra crossing

Not only drivers but also pedestrians are road users. Therefore, they can be fined for violating traffic rules. Lawyer Klym Bratkivsky told RBC-Ukraine about who can fine pedestrians in Ukraine and for what reasons.

As the lawyer explained, Article 127 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (CAO) provides for the liability of pedestrians who ignore the requirements of traffic control signals, cross the roadway in the wrong places or directly in front of approaching vehicles, or fail to comply with other traffic rules. Such offenses are subject to a fine of UAH 255, and if the offender is intoxicated, the fine will increase to UAH 680.

At the same time, if the above actions have caused an emergency, the pedestrian may be fined UAH 850 or sent to community service for a period of 20 to 40 hours. However, such a punishment will be chosen by the court, not the police officer. In addition, he or she will have to pay a court fee of UAH 605.60 (in 2024) to the state.

"Without a court decision, police officers have the right to draw up a fine order against a violator. The violator can pay the fine on the spot or within fifteen days from the date of delivery of the resolution. If the offender fails to pay the fine within the specified period, the resolution will be sent to the state executive service at the place of his residence (stay) or work. In this case, the fine will be charged in double amount," Bratkivsky said.

Fines for pedestrians: how it works in practice

Cases when pedestrians are fined for road accidents are quite rare, but such rulings are still issued. In particular, the register of court decisions contains a case of an accident in Kyiv, where a pedestrian crossed the road when the traffic signal prohibited it, resulting in a collision with a car, which caused a broken windshield and deformation of the hood. The court fined the pedestrian UAH 850.

There is also another case, an accident also in Kyiv. This time, a pedestrian was crossing the roadway in the wrong place, which led to a car hitting him. As a result of the accident, the car sustained mechanical damage and the pedestrian sustained bodily injuries. In this case, the pedestrian was also fined UAH 850.

Another case of an accident is described in the register - in Lviv, a pedestrian suddenly ran out onto the roadway, where he was hit by a car. As a result of the accident, the car sustained mechanical damage, and the offender was fined UAH 850.

Author: Iryna Hamerska

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