Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Water tariff for business will be increased

The National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) has approved changes to water supply and sewerage tariffs for non-household consumers of a number of water utilities for discussion. The regulator approved the decision at a meeting on May 8, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Thus, starting June 1, it is proposed to set the following wholesale tariffs for sewage (per 1 cubic meter excluding VAT):

  • Municipal Enterprise "Production Department of Water Supply and Sewerage of Uzhhorod" - UAH 11.88;
  • Vodokanal (Zaporizhzhia) - UAH 9.36;
  • Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotehprom - UAH 6.87;
  • Lvivvodokanal - UAH 9.02;
  • Chernivtsi Vodokanal - UAH 10.26;
  • Kyivvodokanal - UAH 9.66;
  • Dniprovodokanal - UAH 11.52;
  • Zhytomyrvodokanal - UAH 17.52;
  • Cherkasyvodokanal - UAH 10.51;
  • Kharkivvodokanal - UAH 9.88.

Tariff for centralized water supply for other consumers (except for households, per 1 cubic meter excluding VAT):

  • Municipal Enterprise "Production Department of Water Supply and Sewerage of Uzhhorod" - UAH 30.36;
  • Vodokanal (Zaporizhzhia) - UAH 22.88;
  • Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotehprom - UAH 17.45;
  • Lvivvodokanal - UAH 20.04;
  • Chernivtsi Vodokanal - UAH 23.86;
  • Kyivvodokanal - UAH 21.42;
  • Dniprovodokanal - UAH 23.92;
  • Zhytomyrvodokanal - UAH 32.77;
  • Cherkasyvodokanal - UAH 20.19;
  • Kharkivvodokanal - UAH 22.87.

The highest tariffs for water supply for non-household consumers are proposed to be set for Energoresursy PJSC - UAH 53.39 per 1 cubic meter. The highest tariff for sewerage is set for Oblvodokanal of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council (UAH 41.3 per 1 cubic meter).

It is noted that tariffs for centralized water supply and centralized sewerage for the population are applied at the level of tariffs as of February 24, 2022.

As reported, at the end of January 2024, the NEURC submitted for discussion a change in tariffs for water supply and sewerage for some water utilities, but then the issue was withdrawn from consideration.

In June 2023, the regulator set new water tariffs for 33 water utilities and Ukrzaliznytsia JSC. The weighted average increase was 32%.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that this decision had not been agreed with the government and ordered additional consultations to review it. The Ministry of Energy called the decision unreasonable, while water utilities called for tariff increases to ensure stable water supply to consumers and compliance with all technological processes.

In early July 2023, the NEURC canceled the decision to raise water tariffs.

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