Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Certification of capital markets specialists has been canceled permanently

The National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), guided by the new legislation, completely abolishes its regulations on the certification of specialists.

From now on, employees of all professional capital market participants do not need a certificate to obtain a license or to carry out professional activities, not only during martial law, but also after it ends!

"Since the beginning of our term, we have been fighting this outdated structure, when an employee and director had to obtain a certificate every three years. We have made a lot of efforts along the way so that today we can say that certificates are not needed. Finally, this archaism is in the past. This is only the beginning, we are determined to reformat the regulator's functionality, to become accessible and convenient for market participants," said Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the NSSMC.

Thus, the Commission has decided to invalidate the Regulation on Certification of Specialists in Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets (Decision No. 1464 dated August 13, 2013). This became possible due to changes in the list of powers of the regulator introduced by the Law of Ukraine No. 3585-IX. In particular, the Commission currently lacks the authority to certify specialists.


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